Friday, November 12, 2010

Call to ACTION

The other day I was listening to a report about some farmer/ranchers/ORV hobbyist out West who were concerned than an native endangered toad would cause the government to legislate how they could use their land in an effort to save the endangered toads' habitat.  Their fear was the government would step in and tell them no more off-road riding, no more ranching, etc.

In an effort to stop the government from doing this, land owners got together and figured out how to create habitat for the toad population in a way that would let them still use their land like they wanted to.  And it worked!  The toad population is on the rise!

The real point I want to make here is the "why" of why this worked.  It worked because people took action together.  They created a tribe of people interested in tackling this!  People are powerful when they rally together and act -- most of the time we just need a place to come together and get to work.

If you are concerned with our rising inactivity and how our behaviors are effecting our kids -- here is your rallying place.  Sound out and leave a comment.  Let others know your out there and you have the will to take action on this problem!  Today. Let's move (literally) on this today!!!

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