Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What if it's not the kinds of foods we're eating?

Although it has been my rant for the last couple years, here is some research support for the idea Americans are getting fatter not because of the foods we're eating ("healthy" vs. "unhealthy") but  that we're just eating too much.  Too much, as in, too many meals and snacks:

"According to a new study, the biggest single contributor to the sharp rise in calorie intake has been the number of snacks and meals people eat per day. Over the past 30-odd years, the study found, Americans have gone from consuming 3.8 snacks and meals per day to 4.9, on average — a 29% increase.

The average portion size has increased, too, but only by about 12%. And, surprisingly, the average number of calories per 1-gram serving of food (known as “energy density”) actually declined slightly over that period, which suggests that calorie-rich food has played a relatively minor role in our expanding waistlines."

credit to Stanford Scope

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