Friday, February 15, 2013

He did it so well!

Get ready for a rant, Ladies and Gentlemen!!  Normally, it would be me going off about our responsibility to the kids around us but Jamie Oliver did it so well, I decided to give you a break from reading and give you this TED talk to watch.

My favorite bits??

In the length of this video 4 Americans will die --- DIE because of the food they eat.

"The power of food has a primal place in our homes that binds us to the best bits of life."

"We spend our lives being paranoid about death, homicide, murder.....when heart disease, cancers, and stroke are BY FAR the biggest killers in America."  And they are DIET RELATED diseases.  YOU can do something about them.  In fact, you do something about them EVERYDAY -- 220+ times a day you make choices that will either make you healthier.....or not.

But before I just transcribe all the bits of this video I like -- watch it.  AND REMEMBER:  it's not just about you.  The choices you make today, as adults, are impacting EVERYONE around you.  And they have the biggest impact on those most vulnerable -- the kids who are learning from your choices and values.  What are you teaching them?

HT to Pete at Runblogger for point me in this direction!

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