Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Corn sugar?

Did you all see the articles or hear the reports about the Corn Refiners Board asking the Federal government for permission to change the name of high fructose corn syrup to corn sugar???  Doesn't corn sugar sound more wholesome?  After all, corn is good for you.  And sugar (although we know we eat too much of it) is still natural, right?  That must mean that corn sugar is wholesome, too!??

Here's the deal, America: 

We eat too much sugar....period.

And in much the same way what we decide to wear is determined by what happens at fashion week in New York, what we chose to eat is determined by food politics.  Big ag growers, small farmers banning together to create Eat Local campaigns, what and how celebrities are choosing to eat....We are being marketed to -- all the time.

Pay attention to the name changes -- it means the food is trying to shed an image (think prunes turning into dried plums a few years back).  Maybe there is nothing wrong with starting to call high fructose corn syrup corn sugar -- but it doesn't make it "more natural" or "more healthy" than it was before.

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