Okay, this is a pretty big no brainer if you take time to think about it. There has been a ton of research recently about perceptions of food based on the context it is presented to the consumer. (Think "anything at Subway must be healthy because Jerod lost a bunch of weight and it's slogan is "Eat Fresh") -- so not necessarily true!
This next study talks about sugar-sweetened sports drinks, who's drinking them, and how much they are drinking. Many times, kids are presented with these drinks as "Healthy Options" to soda because they are related to sport -- again, not necessarily true.
Sports drinks do have large value in certain situations -- those who have lost salt and water (whether athlete or senior citizen) can benefit from the replacement factor sports drinks offer. But if the kids are just drinking them instead of water when their shleppin' around school, then need to know it's the wrong tool for the job.
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