Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Botox and your emotional connection to the world

Whether you've had Botox or not, you've probably seen the sitcoms on TV making fun of it.  The mom trying to get mad at her teenager but the anger just not coming through because she can't make the accompanying angry face.

There's a new study out that suggests that not only will that mom not be able to express her anger, she might not be able to feel it as intensly either.  Now...before the curfew breaking teenagers rejoice too much, it's not just anger that would be dulled.  The research was looking at the question, do emotions create expression or expression create emotion?

Apparently, it works in both directions -- you smile because you experience something positive but you experience something positive when you smile.  And if you can't smile or frown?  You will experience less depth of either of those emotions.

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