Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Growing your own replacement parts?

Replacement rabbit bones
You just can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone who has had knee, hip or shoulder replacement surgery!

 478,000 knee replacements along are done annually with the total expected to grow to 3.4 million by 2030.  One of the down sides of current replacements is they wear out, necessitating another replacement in 10-15 years.  In a person undergoing replacement at age 50 or 55, 10-15 years means several procedures on that joint in their lifetime.

Scientists have been successfully experimenting (in animals) with implanting a biodegradable bioscaffold that was 3D designed to match the original joint.  As the body breaks down the bioscaffold, it replaces the man made substance with bone.  Cool, huh??? 

Looks like there are better options on the horizon!  For more information, click here to get the NIH report.

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